6. Changes
6.1. Release 0.12.3 (released 9-Dec-2014)
6.1.1. Changes
- Methods older and newer: rewrite of boundary conditions processing.
6.1.2. Bugs fixed
- Method split: wrong return signal when split at or after self end.
- Method older: wrong end time of return signal.
6.1.3. Documentation
- Methods split, newer and older: new documentation and layout.
6.2. Release 0.12.2 (released 6-Dec-2014)
6.2.1. Bugs fixed
- Method correlation: fix wrong computation of correlation function when there
is a mask.
- Method phase: fix initial search width not set to the whole shift range.
6.2.2. Documentation
- Method correlation: new documentation layout.
6.3. Release 0.12.1 (released 3-Dec-2014)
6.3.1. New features
- Method phase: add correlation value at phase shift.
6.3.2. Bugs fixed
- Method phase: fix incomplete refactoring of other identifier.
6.4. Release 0.12.0 (released 1-Dec-2014)
6.4.1. New features
- Method shift: now skips computations for zero offset.
- New method phase: computation of phase among two signals.
6.4.2. Changes
- Method split: now manage a split time outside signal domain returning the
proper void signal.
- Method correlation: dropped step_left and step_right arguments, substituted
skip and width.
- Method plotchar: dropped period argument.
- Method mod2code: now symbol start time is the phase with respect to the sig
start time.
- Methods noise and square: now require an origin argument.
6.4.3. Internals
- Method correlation: refactoring for new arguments skip and width.
- Method correlation: augumented test.
- New method phase: add test.
6.4.4. Documentation
- Started better layout for function/methods arguments and return patterns.
6.5. Release 0.11.2 (released 8-Oct-2014)
6.5.1. Bugs fixed
- Method plotchar: missing last non flat char after flat chars.
6.6. Release 0.11.1 (released 6-Oct-2014)
6.6.1. Changes
- Method plotchar: now argument max_flat deault is None, was 100 .
6.6.2. Bugs fixed
- Method level: now for time < start return (None,0) .
- Method plotchar: last flat lost when signal end < plot end.
- Method stream: now the newest part is self, was a new allocated signal.
6.6.3. Internals
- Method plotchar refactored.
- New test for methods level and plotchar.
6.7. Release 0.11.0 (released 1-Oct-2014)
6.7.1. Features added
- Method plotchar: semigraphic signal plot with line drawing characters.
6.7.2. Changes
- Method level: now return None, len(signal) when time is beyond signal end.
- Method elapse: return zero when signal is void, before was none.
6.7.3. Bugs fixed
- Method serial_tx: returned void signal when chars had len == 1.
- Method serial_rx: dead lock when last sample time was before end time and
after last ege time.
6.8. Release 0.10.0 (released 26-Sep-2014)
6.8.1. Features added
- Method validate: a consistency checker for signal attributes.
- Method code2mod: code to symbols signal modulator.
- Method mod2code: demodulator by maximum correlation symbol estimation.
- Example “modulation”.
- New method end_level: return the ending level of a signal.
- New method older: return the older part of a signal with respect to a given
- New method newer: return the newer part of a signal with respect to a given
6.8.2. Changes
- Method test changed to function.
- Signal instancing now validate signal attributes.
- Now, instancing of Signal() generates a void signal.
- Changed return of method split when split time falls outside signal domain.
- Now method serial_tx generate a serial signal with start=origin.
6.8.3. Bugs fixed
- Method chop: wrong chop when split falls on signal end.
- Method __add__: added inplace=false to join call.
- Method level: wrong level returned.
- Method join: changed start and end calls with corresponding attributes.
- Method serial_rx: corrected wrong char start detection and level tests.
- Method noise: missing return argument, the noise signal itself.
- Method append: now update correctly the end time of the result.
6.8.4. Documentation
- Added the rules of BTS format.
6.8.5. Internals
- Rewrite of void signal handling through all methods and functions.
- New test for methods code2mod and mod2code.
- Refactored method split with method level.
- Added random inplace to spit/join test.
- New test for methods older and newer.
- Method append: now implemented with a call to split.
6.9. Release 0.9.0 (released 10-Sep-2014)
6.9.1. Features added
- New method level: return the signal level and edge position at a given time.
- Methods shift, reverse, __invert__ now can work inplace: result into self signal.
- New method __nonzero__: return true if the signal is not empty.
6.9.2. Changes
- All methods and objects changed to work with the new BTS format (v2).
- Removed methods: start, end.
6.9.3. Bugs fixed
- Fix method reverse: now works when signal start != 0.
- Fix method split when split time falls on signal start or end and after last edge.
- Fix method chop.
- Fix methods __eq__ and __ne__: now work when operands are None.
- Fix function serial_rx. Now work with constant (no edges) signals. Eliminated
spurious status generation.
6.9.4. Internals
- Method _intersect now returns as last edge position the position plus one.
- Added tests for inplace/noinplace testing.
6.10. Release 0.8.0 (released 26-Aug-2014)
6.10.1. Features added
- New method chop: divide a signal in a sequence of contiguous signal of
given period.
- Method correlation now has a mask argument: if mask signal is not none, the
correlation is computed only where mask=1.
- Method join now has an inplace arguments. When true, no new signal is
generated for the join result. Self signal is used instead.
- Method pwm2bin now can convert by synchronouos symbols correlation.
- Method split now has an inplace argument. When true, no new signal is
generated for the newer signal part. Self signal is used instead.
- Method split, when splitting on a signal change time, now assigns the change
to the start of the newer signal part.
6.10.2. Changes
- Methods start, end, elapsed now return None when the signal time changes
sequence is empty.
- Method bin2pwm now signal start=origin and signal end is not extended.
6.10.3. Bugs fixed
- Fix method correlation stepping limits for defaults.
- Fix method split splitting on a change time: now correct end of older part
and correct start of newer part are generated.
start of newer were generated.
- Fix method serial_rx bit time computation: use floats.
6.10.4. Internals
- Added test for method chop.
- Added test for new the convertion mode (sync symb corr) of method pwm2bin.
6.11. Release 0.7.1 (released 3-Feb-2014)
6.11.1. Bugs fixed
- Fix inequality test: missing __ne__ method.
6.11.2. Internals
- Optimized “and” and “or” operator for constant signals.
6.12. Release 0.7.0 (released 27-Jan-2014)
6.12.1. Features added
- Add buf_step to method stream.
- Add return self to in place working method clone_into.
6.12.2. Incompatible changes
- Change step_start, step_num with step_left, step_right in method correlation.
- Change correlation unittest from a graphic one to procedural only.
6.13. Release 0.6.0 (released 16-Dec-2013)
6.13.1. Features added
- Add method clone_into.
- Add method concatenate: add operator.
- Add method stream.
- Add method elapse returning the signal elapse time.
- Add example to demonstrate phase recovery from a noisy signal (lockin).
- Add examples, module reference, bts format, change log to doc pages.
- Add unittest for stream.
6.13.2. Incompatible changes
- Change start level with active argument in noise method.
6.13.3. Bugs fixed
- Fix method append: make it return the signal with the append result.
- Fix shift in correlation method.
- Fix time shift computation in correlaton method: was delayed by 1 step size.
6.13.4. Internals
- Change method append: check arguments with assert.
- Refactor method split.
6.14. Release 0.5.0 (released 9-Dec-2013)
6.14.1. Features added
- Embed y limits setting into plot method.
- Add method square for signal generation of a periodc square wave.
- Add a more fine control in correlation function computation.
- Add signal append method.
- Add method start, return signal start time.
- Add method end, return signal end time.
- Add method len, return signal change times sequence length.
6.14.2. Incompatible changes
- Change start times computation in bin2pwn, serial_tx to minimize
time elapse from start to first change.
6.14.3. Bugs fixed
- Fix 0.4.0 release changelog: missing changes.
6.14.4. Internals
- Change noise from method to function.
- Change examples for changed noise method.
6.15. Release 0.4.0 (released 2-Dec-2013)
6.15.1. Features added
- Add signal split method.
- Add two signals join method.
- Add unittest for split and join.
- Add float times capability to BTS signals.
6.15.2. Incompatible changes
- Uniformate pwm2bin arguments to bin2pwm methods.
- Add tscale=1. argument in bin2pwm.
- Change to tscale=1. argument in serial_tx.
6.15.3. Bugs fixed
- Fix slevel setup, signal start and end in bin2pwm.
6.16. Release 0.3.0 (released 11-Nov-2013)
6.16.1. Features added
- Add async serial transmitter (bits.serial_tx method) from chars to BTS
serial line signal.
- Add async serial receiver (bitis.serial_rx method) from BTS serial line
to chars.
- Add async serial transmitter example: serial_tx.py.
- Add unittest for async serial tx and rx.
- Modified plot method: only 0,1 ticks on y axis.
6.17. Release 0.2.0 (released 4-Nov-2013)
6.17.1. Features added
- Add PWM coder and decoder between a BTS signal (PWM) and a binary code.
- New correlation example.
6.18. Release 0.1.0 (released 29-Oct-2013)